Civil War
John Keppel, U.S. Army, Iowa Volunteers 5/4/1961, Company A, 2nd Infantry. Wounded in the right knee, 4/6/1862, at the Battle of Shiloh in TN. He survived long enough for Cornelia Keppel Steunenberg and Nancy Keppel Megchelsen to reach him. John died 5/8/1862 and is buried at Oakland Cemetery, Keokuk, Iowa.
Dirk Keppel enlisted in the Union Army and was killed at the Battle of Wilmington Island or Tybee Island, GA in 1863
Teunis Keppel, born 1/12/1836. Enlisted in the Union Army during the Civil War. Died in a hospital in Kalamazoo, Michigan in 1862.

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Private Lewis Simpson, Company K of the Eighty-ninth New York Volunteers.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Private Justus Simpson, Company G of 152nd NY Volunteers
Mexican American War

Bernardus Steunenberg | Samuel Colt Sells First Revolver to the US Military | Fold3 Spotlights
Bernardus. U.S. Army,11/15/1847, mustered into service 12/1847 as a private, Captain Wittenmyer's Company F of Colonel Troll's Regiment of Michigan volunteers. He contracted and almost died of smallpox. Returned home from Mexico in August 1848 at the closure of the war after rendering gallant and arduous service . Honorably discharged 7/28/1848.

Spanish American War
Major George E. Steunenberg, U.S. Navy and Army. George served in the Navy at the time the U.S. annexed Hawaii and the Army during Idaho's participation in the Spanish American war. You can search the blog for various other posts about the rather colorful Major.
Benjamin Van Wyngarden: More info needed.
Korean War/1950's
Others who served but I don't have much information. Will post more when I find it or if someone provides a photo and service information.
Albert E. Steunenberg: I am estimating that Al served during the 1950's.
William L. Crookam: Same for Bill, 1950's.

Ronald L. Longanecker - Alpha Company, 3rd Recon Battalion (wife Cindy's cousin)
Jim Carl Behlen Jr., U.S. Navy (my wife Cindy's brother), U.S.S Observation Island.
L to R: Cindy, Kevan, Jim Jr., Jim Sr., Mandy.
The 1970, 1971, 1972 Vietnam Draft Lotteries.
Private Timothy Underwood (my Nephew), U.S. Army.
Afghanistan War
Lance Corporal Christopher Cable, U.S. Marine Corp., standing next to the fresh grave of his great-grandfather (my Uncle) Cal Steunenberg at the Springfield Veteran's Cemetery in Missouri. I am not sure where Christoper has been stationed.
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