Same for the Savage 1895 that was given to Governor Steunenberg. It may have come directly to him as a gift from the Savage Arms Company

Also, I have been looking at other Savage 1895's for sale (not the 1970 anniversary edition a

Always at least looking at other Civil War, Spanish-American and WWI & II armaments.

Not sure where this photo was taken but liked it nonetheless so added to the collection recently. Appears to be Spanish- American war circa 1898. Anyone with more knowledge and a sharper eye might be able to tell if those are Krags, Trapdoors or something else the men are carrying. Click on the pic for enlarged and clearer view.
Brief History of the 1st Idaho Volunteer Infantry
1st Lt. George Steunenberg
of the 1st Idaho Volunteer Infantry
Writes of the Trip from Hawaii to Manila
George was one of Governor Frank Steunenberg's brothers
Roster of the 1st Idaho Volunteer Infantry
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