Sunday, July 20, 2008

Below is the link to the "Footnote" website that I am using on a trial basis. It appears to be pretty good for research and locating files, images, newspapers, etc. For this blog, everything will generally be Idaho, Steunenberg and Haywood trial related. I just started with it and saved a few items that you can click on and view as long as my subscription is active. That may only be a short period of time as have not yet decided if I will pay the additional fee to continue more long term.

I cut and pasted my picture and profile from this blog into "Footnote" so skip that part as is the same. "Annotations" are items I saved with a label or comment, "Connections" are usually related items and "Spotlight" is any specific item that one wants to bring attention too. Today it is an article dated exactly 101 years ago (byline 7/20/1907 Boise, ID) from the Haywood trial. If you want to see all the items then just click on the "14" (or whatever # it is at the moment). The number will increase as more is added.

If you have been using "Footnote" or did previously (or even if this is your first visit) then I sure would appreciate some feedback. Thanks, John

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