This is another letter of condolence written by a J. C. Smith from Touchet, Washington and sent to my grandfather Julian Steunenberg following the assassination of his father, Ex-Governor Steuneneberg of Idaho. I am not sure who J. C. Smith is or his connection to Julian. I am guessing that it may be a J. C. Smith that taught in the Dairy Department at Walla Walla College during 1905/06. I got that bit of information from the book,
60 Years of Progress, Walla Walla College, 1892-1952. We have a wonderful old copy of the book that belonged to my grandmother Frances Beardsley Wood Steunenberg and remains a treasured possession of my 90 years young mother Brenda Steunenberg Richards. Throughout the years, my grandmother, mother and others made various notations of interest that help identify many of those in the book. Some of the pioneers that came by wagon train to the Walla Walla Valley and were involved in the formation of the college include my great-great grandparents J. Franklin and Caroline Maxson-Wood and great-great-great grandparents (I think I have my "greats" right) Stephen and Lois Babcock-Maxson. But that is a whole different story in and of itself that I am slowly putting together.
The 1905/06 period that J.C. Smith was at the college would coincide with when Julian was also there. Touchet, Washington is not too far from College Place, where the envelope was postmarked on its way to Caldwell, ID. If anyone has other information then please let me know.
I have a couple of other similar letters, one from a W. E. Nelson and also with a College Place postmark. Referencing the same books as above, I see that W.E. Nelson taught "Mathematics, Science and other subjects 1904-1914" at Walla Walla College. Well, guess I might as well go ahead and include it below.

Click on the pictures to enlarge. I will work on transcribed copies...sometime...but I think you can read most of it.