To Haywood's left (right in the photo) is Joseph James Ettor. Not identified, but I think that is Elizabeth Gurley Flynn to your far right. Anyone recognize the guy on the far left?
5/29/2011: A reader, "Rebecka," believes that might be James P. Thompson on the far left (see comment to this post). After searching for a picture of Thompson, I believe she may be right. He was one of the leaders at the Lawrence strike. Thanks Rebecka!
You see these news photos for sale now and then and I picked this one up primarily because of the Steunenberg name on the back.
Written on the back:
Haywood Wm. D.
February 4, 1912.
William D. Haywood, former president of the Western Federation of Miners, who was acquitted of the charge of murdering ex-Governor Steunenberg of Idaho, address-ing the mill strikers at Lawrence. At his right is J. J. Ettor, leader of the strikers.
Photo-News Department,
American Press Association,
225 West 39th Street,
New York City.
1 comment:
I'm not positive but the man on the far left might be James P. Thompson. There is a photo of Thompson in "Solidarity Forever: An Oral History of the IWW" and I think there is a strong resemblance.
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