This blog contains history, photos, etc. related to Idaho from the late 1800's/early 1900's. My mother, Brenda Steunenberg Richards, was born in ID. Much of it pertains to the assassination of my great grandfather, Gov. Frank Steunenberg, the trial of Bill Haywood & grew out of the 100 year commemorations of those events. Along the way I toss in a bit of the Wild West, old guns, radios, military, etc. Your comments are welcomed. If using my images, please just ASK. Thank you.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Christmas & Hanukkah on the front lines
Merry Christmas & a happy & prosperous New Year.
For those receiving this as an email notification, come to the blog to view the Fold3 slideshow.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Post Sandy what do we do?
A week ago yesterday (12/14/12), I was teleworking from home as I typically do on Fridays, wrapping up the weeks paperwork and documentation. I was also thinking about topics for a Saturday blog post. Now, I am not sure I can ever forget last Friday once the details began to trickle out from Newtown about Sandy Hook Elementary School. I just couldn't help it, and broke my cardinal rule and turned on the TV to see what was happening. Was I dreaming—having a nightmare—I could only hope. But of course the events of last Friday were as real as the tears trickling down my face for the rest of that day.
As of today, we seem to have survived Armageddon but what happened at Sandy Hook certainly gives us a peek at what a world gone mad and self-destruction looks like. It has been just over a week and the memorials and funerals continue while a dialogue has erupted regarding guns, violence, mental health, entertainment media, religion, etc. Time will tell if this is a healthy discussion or merely a lot of self-serving noise with little in the way of meaningful impact or real change. We have looked into the abyss and must now look into the mirror and into the eyes of our neighbors, politicians, corporate heads and the families of those impacted by Sandy Hook—and all other such horrific events in recent years—and decide what, if anything, we are going to do about it.
On this blog I stay clear of most political comment, controversy or posturing though we certainly touch on the issues of assassination and violence—so I can draw at least a minimal connection to those historical topics. Besides, I just don't feel the ability to go on talking about history and our family as if nothing had happened last week.
What makes me qualified to do so? Nothing particular— no special expertise, not a particularly gifted writer or orator and I have never lost a child, at least not to death. However, like all of you and many others, I do bring some of life's experiences to the table. So here is a little more about those experiences.
As covered at length on this blog, Frank Steunenberg was the victim of a brutal killing by a mass murderer. Yes, the murder of Frank was a couple generations removed but the impacts were lasting and we can compare assassins, murderers, sociopaths and nut cases from across history as a means of gaining some insight into what causes such behavior. More recently, my brothers son, my nephew Gary Osborne, was shot dead when he opened his front door to a home invader. Yes, he might have been able to protect himself if he had a gun of his own, and there is some merit to that view, but it's all hindsight and speculation and some folks just don't want to be toting guns at every knock of the door.
I will leave most of the theorizing about violent acts to the psychologists and sociologists. However, I have studied and practiced my craft at the grassroots level for a few decades now and hopefully gained some insight along the way. Most of that will be for another discussion at another time.
I have been a counselor of one type or another for many years, having started as a young intern some 40 years ago in a county mental health clinic for children and families. My first client, interestingly, was 16 year old Gary, a young man with Autism that I shall never forget. I will touch again on the topic of autism in just a minute.
I have a Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling and have amassed hundreds of hours of other training and classes over the years. I get some fancy letters after my name like M.S. for Master of Science, C.R.C. for Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Q.R.P. for Qualified Rehabilitation Professional. None of it necessarily makes me better or more knowledgeable than someone that doesn't have those trappings, as a couple letters here and there before or after your name does not necessarily correlate to common sense. It’s why I usually address my medical doctors by their first names.
Early on in school, I was not a very good student, had poor reading skills, retention was bad and I struggled and lacked self-confidence. Back in those days, no one paid any attention or knew very much about learning disabilities or differences, much less psychological issues that might not be readily apparent. To some degree, because I was big and looked older than many of my peers, I would tend to get a free pass to the next grade. Sports was my outlet and sometimes being a basketball and football player got you a free pass too. Now I am just plain older and and that creates its own struggles.
I am a dad, having raised three children. Without getting into confidential details, I will mention that one of those children was given a dual diagnosis as a teenager and we experienced many dark and frightful days fearing for his life and the potential risk to others due to sometimes risky behaviors. As a parent who had worked within the system, I was then engaged in a battle with the same system to get the help my son and our family so desperately needed. We experienced a lot of raw emotion and tears then too but fortunately not the ultimate suffering that must come from the loss of a child. BTW, I am happy to report my son is a healthy, intelligent, accomplished and engaging adult who is doing quite well, as are all of our children.
I am a gun owner and do some very basic collecting. Counselors don't have deep enough pockets to do much in what can be a very expensive hobby. You have seen some pictures of a few guns on this blog. Although I believe it is a family choice, as a parent I elected not to have any guns in the household while my children were growing up and especially not during the difficult times I alluded to with my then teenage son. I had no particular reason to believe anything violent would occur but accidents do happen and a gun safe would not have been a sufficient safeguard.
I am not an NRA member but do belong to some other gun related organizations.
And no doubt there are other good, bad and ugly references that might apply to me.
Gun Control: In terms of guns, the answer is neither to arm everybody to the teeth nor to strip away all guns. I enjoy historical arms, I don't want them taken away and have freely provided my fingerprints to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and DOJ. Happy to have them there! We must take steps to control assault weapons, large capacity magazines and certain types of ammunition that has no place except in a military or SWAT team type setting. Now is shooting with full auto or blowing stuff up fun...yes! We can get creative and still have places for it. Licensed gun ranges and trained military or law enforcement personal, even the NRA, could make some of those experiences available from time to time under safe and controlled conditions. We just have to be creative. But I do not need fully automatic weapons, assault rifles and explosives in my gun cabinet, around the house or in the back yard.
Gun Licensing/data bases and such: What is this constant and conspiratorial fear of gun control? I have to license my cars, license myself to drive and pass background checks, drug testing, etc. for many employment settings. I am not worried about the government taking away my car unless I commit a crime with it and same is true of my guns. I welcome more licensing, a data base of guns, maybe an ammo tax earmarked for training or mental health and even another picture ID for gun owners to go with my drivers license. We have to practice and study for our driver's license, let’s do more of the same for gun ownership. I believe in the 2nd amendment, but I don't see anything that mentions unfettered access to all the weaponry available today. Let's get over it! There will always be the fringes on both extremes and it is time to ignore them and move on and make some changes.
Guns and kids: Generations of many families have enjoyed target shooting, hunting and collecting guns and kids have grown up with it as a very normal part of their life. We hope their upbringing has included proper training, safety and security and I am confident in most cases it has. Those are decisions that each family has to make. But back to the car and drivers license analogy—licensing, training and testing can play a bigger role. Government, yes, but the NRA, gun dealers, manufacturers, collectors and hobbyists all have a role to play. Look at the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), as they have an excellent record of doing this for years with the support of hundreds of individuals. We need to expand these efforts even more and make sure gun handling and safely training is available in every locality. I know I could use more.
NRA: I was disappointed with the statement from the NRA's Wayne LaPierre yesterday. I would like to join the NRA, as they do many good things, great training and have a wonderful museum and could be on the leading edge of this issue. Unfortunately, LaPierre missed an opportunity and brought absolutely nothing new to the table—just more guns. Placing police or security officers at every school or arming teachers and/or administrators can certainly be a discussion point, but the NRA has to be willing to give a bit on its opposition to even the most seemingly sensible gun control initiatives. I am hoping a significant portion of NRA members will have more realistic and creative ideas. I have heard from some members that do. On the other side, I have sometimes thought perhaps myself and many others should in fact join the NRA and swell its ranks with those more willing to take on the association leadership and insist on change. Something to think about anyway.
Mental health is an important issue to all of us. But unfortunately it is not simply a matter of saying we need to increase services. As a health issue, mental health is tied directly to funding at the local level for public mental health services and to healthcare reform as related to both public and private entities. As a professional in the field, I probably could not have gotten mental health assistance for Adam Lanza unless he had demonstrated clearly threatening behavior prior to the shooting. Around the country, services are underfunded and understaffed and able to respond only when an overt crisis occurs. Often, with individuals like Lanza, we don't know there is a crisis until the trigger is being pulled. I believe in a very strong military, but perhaps we need to build a few less F-35 Fighters or reduce the cost of those Pentagon toilets or cut other waste. And lets stop trying to buy friendship around the world and instead cut the payoffs to Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. and focus on what is happening in our own neighborhoods and on our streets.
Faith...Faith is a necessity but we have to accept that it may be religious based or may not. Faith in ourselves, our families, our neighbors, a higher power, our god or however we may choose to exercise it. Yes, I may sound a bit simplistic and naive, but isn't that the beauty of those 20 children that just died and the lesson they can teach us. I am also told there were two children with autism among the dead. How ironic. I am sure all these children had their moments of temper tantrums or a tug of war over a toy, book or who gets to use the swing—but by all standards this looked to be a beautiful innocent bunch of kids that enjoyed school, their classmates, had dedicated and loving teachers and certainly the love of their families. Yes, they are our families too. We have to have faith in our kids and sometimes perhaps we adults need to be a bit more child-like in our willingness to accept and trust others too. Doesn't mean throw caution to the wind but a little more "love thy neighbor" wouldn't hurt.
So what do we do now? This is a complicated social and cultural issue which cannot, and must not, be reduced to a few simple talking points. Some want to make it only about gun control, or mental health, or religion/non-religion, or video games/TV, or breakdown of the family, etc. And please stop carelessly discussing Autism/Aspergers in the same breath as this mass killer. I have worked with probably 100's of people, mostly young men, with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) starting with the young man I mentioned from forty years ago. None have committed any significant act of violence that I am aware of. Yes, like all of us, they get mad at times or may lack social graces and etiquette. However, I find individuals with ASD to be some of the most interesting, creative, engaging and intelligent people I know. No evidence that I have seen suggests any greater tendency toward violence then among the rest of us. They may have other co-occurring disorders but ASD in and of itself does not produce mass murderers. If we start to condemn everyone that is a loner, doesn't like to socialize a lot, keeps quiet, etc.—we are going to have a lot of people to evaluate or lock up. If that is going to be the case, I might as well get in the line.
There are far more knowledgeable and capable folks than I am in terms of organizing and lobbying skills. However, we can start my expressing opinions on blogs, by email, letter, fax, social media, phone, etc. to our government representatives from the local to the presidential level, sign a petition or check for one on the White House website—and be specific in terms of changes in law and funding sources. For instance mental health, don't just scream me, me, me and I need more money in regards to public and private funding. If you want more funds for something, fine, but address where the money will come from (savings, efficiency, cutbacks, taxes, etc.). In terms of guns, lobby the sources—membership organizations (AKA NRA), corporate gun manufacturers, ammo manufacturers, your neighborhood gun shop, etc.
We must accept the fact that there will be no magic pill and unfortunately other tragedies will likely befall us before significant change takes place—but change will occur. I certainly do not have all the answers and will continue to wrestle with these questions and my positions will no doubt shift and change as we study the issues and continue the debate. There will continue to be extreme voices on the far right and far left that make a lot of noise and get a lot of press. Although I have no empirical evidence and have not conducted a study or taken more polls (do we really need more polls!), I am guessing we can throw out up to 20% of the extreme left and 20% on the extreme right and still find a more reasonable 60% of the populace — be they Republican/Democrat/Independent, Religious (all faiths and denominations), Agnostics/Atheists, men/women, straight/gay/lesbian/transgender, all colors, NRA or not and everyone else you can think of—and come to some kind of common sense approach for the sake of our children and our country. The silent majority needs to step up to the plate. Do we need to become atypical allies in this fight? Yes, we have to be. You may feel the need to hold your nose, shield your eyes or keep the disinfectant handy—but nonetheless we can do this—we must do this.
So there you have it—my ramblings for today. Perhaps a little disjointed but still trying to clear my head and make some sense of an event that has no sensible explanation or motive. I will probably come back and add, delete, correct in the days ahead. Not sure what else I will get posted on here before Christmas, maybe at least my traditional holiday excerpt from Big Trouble. Despite, and because of, this tragic end to the year, I wish you and your families an especially Happy Holidays and prosperous and peaceful New Year.
As of today, we seem to have survived Armageddon but what happened at Sandy Hook certainly gives us a peek at what a world gone mad and self-destruction looks like. It has been just over a week and the memorials and funerals continue while a dialogue has erupted regarding guns, violence, mental health, entertainment media, religion, etc. Time will tell if this is a healthy discussion or merely a lot of self-serving noise with little in the way of meaningful impact or real change. We have looked into the abyss and must now look into the mirror and into the eyes of our neighbors, politicians, corporate heads and the families of those impacted by Sandy Hook—and all other such horrific events in recent years—and decide what, if anything, we are going to do about it.
On this blog I stay clear of most political comment, controversy or posturing though we certainly touch on the issues of assassination and violence—so I can draw at least a minimal connection to those historical topics. Besides, I just don't feel the ability to go on talking about history and our family as if nothing had happened last week.
What makes me qualified to do so? Nothing particular— no special expertise, not a particularly gifted writer or orator and I have never lost a child, at least not to death. However, like all of you and many others, I do bring some of life's experiences to the table. So here is a little more about those experiences.
As covered at length on this blog, Frank Steunenberg was the victim of a brutal killing by a mass murderer. Yes, the murder of Frank was a couple generations removed but the impacts were lasting and we can compare assassins, murderers, sociopaths and nut cases from across history as a means of gaining some insight into what causes such behavior. More recently, my brothers son, my nephew Gary Osborne, was shot dead when he opened his front door to a home invader. Yes, he might have been able to protect himself if he had a gun of his own, and there is some merit to that view, but it's all hindsight and speculation and some folks just don't want to be toting guns at every knock of the door.
I will leave most of the theorizing about violent acts to the psychologists and sociologists. However, I have studied and practiced my craft at the grassroots level for a few decades now and hopefully gained some insight along the way. Most of that will be for another discussion at another time.
I have been a counselor of one type or another for many years, having started as a young intern some 40 years ago in a county mental health clinic for children and families. My first client, interestingly, was 16 year old Gary, a young man with Autism that I shall never forget. I will touch again on the topic of autism in just a minute.
I have a Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling and have amassed hundreds of hours of other training and classes over the years. I get some fancy letters after my name like M.S. for Master of Science, C.R.C. for Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Q.R.P. for Qualified Rehabilitation Professional. None of it necessarily makes me better or more knowledgeable than someone that doesn't have those trappings, as a couple letters here and there before or after your name does not necessarily correlate to common sense. It’s why I usually address my medical doctors by their first names.
Early on in school, I was not a very good student, had poor reading skills, retention was bad and I struggled and lacked self-confidence. Back in those days, no one paid any attention or knew very much about learning disabilities or differences, much less psychological issues that might not be readily apparent. To some degree, because I was big and looked older than many of my peers, I would tend to get a free pass to the next grade. Sports was my outlet and sometimes being a basketball and football player got you a free pass too. Now I am just plain older and and that creates its own struggles.
I am a dad, having raised three children. Without getting into confidential details, I will mention that one of those children was given a dual diagnosis as a teenager and we experienced many dark and frightful days fearing for his life and the potential risk to others due to sometimes risky behaviors. As a parent who had worked within the system, I was then engaged in a battle with the same system to get the help my son and our family so desperately needed. We experienced a lot of raw emotion and tears then too but fortunately not the ultimate suffering that must come from the loss of a child. BTW, I am happy to report my son is a healthy, intelligent, accomplished and engaging adult who is doing quite well, as are all of our children.
I am a gun owner and do some very basic collecting. Counselors don't have deep enough pockets to do much in what can be a very expensive hobby. You have seen some pictures of a few guns on this blog. Although I believe it is a family choice, as a parent I elected not to have any guns in the household while my children were growing up and especially not during the difficult times I alluded to with my then teenage son. I had no particular reason to believe anything violent would occur but accidents do happen and a gun safe would not have been a sufficient safeguard.
I am not an NRA member but do belong to some other gun related organizations.
And no doubt there are other good, bad and ugly references that might apply to me.
Gun Control: In terms of guns, the answer is neither to arm everybody to the teeth nor to strip away all guns. I enjoy historical arms, I don't want them taken away and have freely provided my fingerprints to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and DOJ. Happy to have them there! We must take steps to control assault weapons, large capacity magazines and certain types of ammunition that has no place except in a military or SWAT team type setting. Now is shooting with full auto or blowing stuff up fun...yes! We can get creative and still have places for it. Licensed gun ranges and trained military or law enforcement personal, even the NRA, could make some of those experiences available from time to time under safe and controlled conditions. We just have to be creative. But I do not need fully automatic weapons, assault rifles and explosives in my gun cabinet, around the house or in the back yard.
Gun Licensing/data bases and such: What is this constant and conspiratorial fear of gun control? I have to license my cars, license myself to drive and pass background checks, drug testing, etc. for many employment settings. I am not worried about the government taking away my car unless I commit a crime with it and same is true of my guns. I welcome more licensing, a data base of guns, maybe an ammo tax earmarked for training or mental health and even another picture ID for gun owners to go with my drivers license. We have to practice and study for our driver's license, let’s do more of the same for gun ownership. I believe in the 2nd amendment, but I don't see anything that mentions unfettered access to all the weaponry available today. Let's get over it! There will always be the fringes on both extremes and it is time to ignore them and move on and make some changes.
Guns and kids: Generations of many families have enjoyed target shooting, hunting and collecting guns and kids have grown up with it as a very normal part of their life. We hope their upbringing has included proper training, safety and security and I am confident in most cases it has. Those are decisions that each family has to make. But back to the car and drivers license analogy—licensing, training and testing can play a bigger role. Government, yes, but the NRA, gun dealers, manufacturers, collectors and hobbyists all have a role to play. Look at the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), as they have an excellent record of doing this for years with the support of hundreds of individuals. We need to expand these efforts even more and make sure gun handling and safely training is available in every locality. I know I could use more.
NRA: I was disappointed with the statement from the NRA's Wayne LaPierre yesterday. I would like to join the NRA, as they do many good things, great training and have a wonderful museum and could be on the leading edge of this issue. Unfortunately, LaPierre missed an opportunity and brought absolutely nothing new to the table—just more guns. Placing police or security officers at every school or arming teachers and/or administrators can certainly be a discussion point, but the NRA has to be willing to give a bit on its opposition to even the most seemingly sensible gun control initiatives. I am hoping a significant portion of NRA members will have more realistic and creative ideas. I have heard from some members that do. On the other side, I have sometimes thought perhaps myself and many others should in fact join the NRA and swell its ranks with those more willing to take on the association leadership and insist on change. Something to think about anyway.
Mental health is an important issue to all of us. But unfortunately it is not simply a matter of saying we need to increase services. As a health issue, mental health is tied directly to funding at the local level for public mental health services and to healthcare reform as related to both public and private entities. As a professional in the field, I probably could not have gotten mental health assistance for Adam Lanza unless he had demonstrated clearly threatening behavior prior to the shooting. Around the country, services are underfunded and understaffed and able to respond only when an overt crisis occurs. Often, with individuals like Lanza, we don't know there is a crisis until the trigger is being pulled. I believe in a very strong military, but perhaps we need to build a few less F-35 Fighters or reduce the cost of those Pentagon toilets or cut other waste. And lets stop trying to buy friendship around the world and instead cut the payoffs to Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. and focus on what is happening in our own neighborhoods and on our streets.
Faith...Faith is a necessity but we have to accept that it may be religious based or may not. Faith in ourselves, our families, our neighbors, a higher power, our god or however we may choose to exercise it. Yes, I may sound a bit simplistic and naive, but isn't that the beauty of those 20 children that just died and the lesson they can teach us. I am also told there were two children with autism among the dead. How ironic. I am sure all these children had their moments of temper tantrums or a tug of war over a toy, book or who gets to use the swing—but by all standards this looked to be a beautiful innocent bunch of kids that enjoyed school, their classmates, had dedicated and loving teachers and certainly the love of their families. Yes, they are our families too. We have to have faith in our kids and sometimes perhaps we adults need to be a bit more child-like in our willingness to accept and trust others too. Doesn't mean throw caution to the wind but a little more "love thy neighbor" wouldn't hurt.
So what do we do now? This is a complicated social and cultural issue which cannot, and must not, be reduced to a few simple talking points. Some want to make it only about gun control, or mental health, or religion/non-religion, or video games/TV, or breakdown of the family, etc. And please stop carelessly discussing Autism/Aspergers in the same breath as this mass killer. I have worked with probably 100's of people, mostly young men, with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) starting with the young man I mentioned from forty years ago. None have committed any significant act of violence that I am aware of. Yes, like all of us, they get mad at times or may lack social graces and etiquette. However, I find individuals with ASD to be some of the most interesting, creative, engaging and intelligent people I know. No evidence that I have seen suggests any greater tendency toward violence then among the rest of us. They may have other co-occurring disorders but ASD in and of itself does not produce mass murderers. If we start to condemn everyone that is a loner, doesn't like to socialize a lot, keeps quiet, etc.—we are going to have a lot of people to evaluate or lock up. If that is going to be the case, I might as well get in the line.
There are far more knowledgeable and capable folks than I am in terms of organizing and lobbying skills. However, we can start my expressing opinions on blogs, by email, letter, fax, social media, phone, etc. to our government representatives from the local to the presidential level, sign a petition or check for one on the White House website—and be specific in terms of changes in law and funding sources. For instance mental health, don't just scream me, me, me and I need more money in regards to public and private funding. If you want more funds for something, fine, but address where the money will come from (savings, efficiency, cutbacks, taxes, etc.). In terms of guns, lobby the sources—membership organizations (AKA NRA), corporate gun manufacturers, ammo manufacturers, your neighborhood gun shop, etc.
We must accept the fact that there will be no magic pill and unfortunately other tragedies will likely befall us before significant change takes place—but change will occur. I certainly do not have all the answers and will continue to wrestle with these questions and my positions will no doubt shift and change as we study the issues and continue the debate. There will continue to be extreme voices on the far right and far left that make a lot of noise and get a lot of press. Although I have no empirical evidence and have not conducted a study or taken more polls (do we really need more polls!), I am guessing we can throw out up to 20% of the extreme left and 20% on the extreme right and still find a more reasonable 60% of the populace — be they Republican/Democrat/Independent, Religious (all faiths and denominations), Agnostics/Atheists, men/women, straight/gay/lesbian/transgender, all colors, NRA or not and everyone else you can think of—and come to some kind of common sense approach for the sake of our children and our country. The silent majority needs to step up to the plate. Do we need to become atypical allies in this fight? Yes, we have to be. You may feel the need to hold your nose, shield your eyes or keep the disinfectant handy—but nonetheless we can do this—we must do this.
So there you have it—my ramblings for today. Perhaps a little disjointed but still trying to clear my head and make some sense of an event that has no sensible explanation or motive. I will probably come back and add, delete, correct in the days ahead. Not sure what else I will get posted on here before Christmas, maybe at least my traditional holiday excerpt from Big Trouble. Despite, and because of, this tragic end to the year, I wish you and your families an especially Happy Holidays and prosperous and peaceful New Year.
Friday, December 7, 2012
December 7th
I am not much of a Facebook aficionado but Fold3, like many bushiness and organizations, does have a Facebook page. Here is the link to Fold3 on Facebook that you can follow to Pacific Wrecks and to the Fold3 Arizona Memorial as a tribute/reminder of the attack and tragedy of Peal Harbor. I included the direct links below.
Above: B17 at Hickam Field
Direct link to Pacific Wrecks website
U.S.S. Arizona
Pearl Harbor Muster Rolls
Uncle 'Juke' killed in a B17 accident
Above: B17 at Hickam Field
Direct link to Pacific Wrecks website
U.S.S. Arizona
Pearl Harbor Muster Rolls
Uncle 'Juke' killed in a B17 accident
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Jefferson School, Walla Walla, WA...Brenda Steunenberg Richards...circa 1924...and 1966.
9/14/2014 update. Photo of Jefferson School, Walla Walla, WA.
Just ran across this photo. Written on the back by my father: "Brenda sitting on the steps of Jefferson School in Walla Walla. Washington at Ninth and Emma St. This is the school Brenda attended as a child." Dated "1966."
Yep, that's my mom right near the same spot she sat on these steps 42 years earlier!
Probably a good thing mom got there when she did. All I see now at the intersection of Ninth and Emma Streets, Walla Walla, WA is an empty lot and some newer stores.
Below is an old tattered circa 1924 photo of my mother, Brenda Steunenberg Richards, with her classmates in first grade at Jefferson School in Walla Walla, WA. The arrow on the photo points to mom in the back row. Quite a motley crew.* Please email me if you can identify any of the other kids or the teacher.
assassinated Ex-governor Frank Steunenberg, was also living there. As related in prior posts, grandma Francis' family (Maxon-Wood) were early pioneers in the Walla Walla area and involved in the founding of Walla Walla College.
Milton, (now Milton-Freewater) and Roseburg, Oregon. While living in Walla Walla, my mom and the family would periodically visit her uncles, aunts and cousins at the Farmstead in Milton. All those kin were special to her and I know she remained in touch and visited when she could over the years. Frazier Farmstead Museum.
As we know, Julian had been attending Walla Walla College in 1905 and was home for the holidays in Caldwell, ID when his father was assassinated on December 30, 1905.
Having returned to Walla Walla in the 1920's, grandma Francis and grandpa Julian and the five
kids (Doris, Bud, Cal, Jule and Brenda) would soon hit the road and head for California.
More Jefferson School Photographs
Bygone Walla Walla
*A motley crew is a cliché for a roughly organized assembly of characters. Typical examples of motley crews are pirates, Western posses, rag-tag mercenary bands and freedom fighters. They may align with, be (as a group), or include either the protagonist or the antagonist of the story. defines a motley crew as a gathered group of people of various backgrounds, appearance, character, etc.
Just ran across this photo. Written on the back by my father: "Brenda sitting on the steps of Jefferson School in Walla Walla. Washington at Ninth and Emma St. This is the school Brenda attended as a child." Dated "1966."
Yep, that's my mom right near the same spot she sat on these steps 42 years earlier!
Probably a good thing mom got there when she did. All I see now at the intersection of Ninth and Emma Streets, Walla Walla, WA is an empty lot and some newer stores.
Below is an old tattered circa 1924 photo of my mother, Brenda Steunenberg Richards, with her classmates in first grade at Jefferson School in Walla Walla, WA. The arrow on the photo points to mom in the back row. Quite a motley crew.* Please email me if you can identify any of the other kids or the teacher.
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"Jefferson School was constructed in 1916. Jefferson has a unique history, that it is the only elementary school in Walla Walla that has not had a woman principal. It is also unique because it has had more minority students throughout the years than any of our other elementary schools." History of Walla Walla Schools in District #140 |
Milton, (now Milton-Freewater) and Roseburg, Oregon. While living in Walla Walla, my mom and the family would periodically visit her uncles, aunts and cousins at the Farmstead in Milton. All those kin were special to her and I know she remained in touch and visited when she could over the years. Frazier Farmstead Museum.
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Julian, Francis and the five kids. Circa 1924 Walla Walla, WA |
More Jefferson School Photographs
Bygone Walla Walla
*A motley crew is a cliché for a roughly organized assembly of characters. Typical examples of motley crews are pirates, Western posses, rag-tag mercenary bands and freedom fighters. They may align with, be (as a group), or include either the protagonist or the antagonist of the story. defines a motley crew as a gathered group of people of various backgrounds, appearance, character, etc.
Friday, November 23, 2012

The Fold3 business card above may not be visible on automatic email notifications. Come to the blog for better viewing.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Revisiting the Turkeys at the Idaho Pen - Happy Thanksgiving!
A Happy Thanksgiving everybody, be it you are a carnivore, vegetarian or
vegan. We have some of all in our family so always a variety of food
on the table.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, November 18, 2012
A Public Silence Broken
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Missing personal items of Orchard's. See link below |
It doesn't look like the news article cited in the previous post includes any direct link to the very reason for the story. I posted the link elsewhere but here it is again:
A Public Silence Broken
Additional comments, information and contact from Orchard descendants are welcomed. Email to:
I will go ahead and include some links below to other Harry Orchard related blog posts that you can browse if interested:
Friday, July 2, 2010
Great Grandson of Albert Horsley (aka Harry Orchard) Speaks Out
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Have You Seen These Harry Orchard Items?
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Harry Orchard's Colt? Who are P.R.Edlington & Rev. Marshall F. Montgomery? Is there an Idaho Pen link? Email if you know these names or have any info.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Knife Made by Harry Orchard, Mass Murderer
Monday, February 27, 2012
The Best of Tim Woodward: Warden’s daughter recalls life in the Old Pen
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Harry Orchard's Cottage at the Pen?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
A Harry Orchard Sighting?
Friday, July 18, 2008
Still on the Trail of Jack Simpkins............ Disappearing Dynamiter - What Happened to L. J. "Jack" Simpkins?
Saturday, January 5, 2008
"The Song of Harry Orchard”
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Idaho guv's killer left wife, daughter behind
Click above link for the article.
By Anna Webb
The Idaho Statesman Published: Monday, Nov. 12 2012 11:15 p.m. MST
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Veteran's-Other Wars (not WWII)
This is a continuation of the previous post regarding Veteran's Day/WWII but with a focus on those serving in other wars. More to be added. Corrections, additions, updates appreciated.
Civil War
John Keppel, U.S. Army, Iowa Volunteers 5/4/1961, Company A, 2nd Infantry. Wounded in the right knee, 4/6/1862, at the Battle of Shiloh in TN. He survived long enough for Cornelia Keppel Steunenberg and Nancy Keppel Megchelsen to reach him. John died 5/8/1862 and is buried at Oakland Cemetery, Keokuk, Iowa.
Dirk Keppel enlisted in the Union Army and was killed at the Battle of Wilmington Island or Tybee Island, GA in 1863
Teunis Keppel, born 1/12/1836. Enlisted in the Union Army during the Civil War. Died in a hospital in Kalamazoo, Michigan in 1862.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Private Lewis Simpson, Company K of the Eighty-ninth New York Volunteers.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Private Justus Simpson, Company G of 152nd NY Volunteers
Mexican American War
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Bernardus Steunenberg | Samuel Colt Sells First Revolver to the US Military | Fold3 Spotlights
Bernardus. U.S. Army,11/15/1847, mustered into service 12/1847 as a private, Captain Wittenmyer's Company F of Colonel Troll's Regiment of Michigan volunteers. He contracted and almost died of smallpox. Returned home from Mexico in August 1848 at the closure of the war after rendering gallant and arduous service . Honorably discharged 7/28/1848.
Spanish American War
Major George E. Steunenberg, U.S. Navy and Army. George served in the Navy at the time the U.S. annexed Hawaii and the Army during Idaho's participation in the Spanish American war. You can search the blog for various other posts about the rather colorful Major.
Benjamin Van Wyngarden: More info needed.
Ancil Keppel Steunenberg: More info needed. After serving circa WWI, Ancil had to register in WWII for what is known as the "Old Mans Draft."
Korean War/1950's
Others who served but I don't have much information. Will post more when I find it or if someone provides a photo and service information.
Albert E. Steunenberg: I am estimating that Al served during the 1950's.
William L. Crookam: Same for Bill, 1950's.
Walter 'Gary' Osborne (my Brother), Machinist Mate, U.S. Navy. U.S.S. Isbell, Yorktown and others. I will never forget touring the U.S.S Yorktown—a wide eyed young kid with his big brother sailor.
Ronald L. Longanecker - Alpha Company, 3rd Recon Battalion (wife Cindy's cousin)
Jim Carl Behlen Jr., U.S. Navy (my wife Cindy's brother), U.S.S Observation Island.
L to R: Cindy, Kevan, Jim Jr., Jim Sr., Mandy.
The 1970, 1971, 1972 Vietnam Draft Lotteries.
Private Timothy Underwood (my Nephew), U.S. Army.
Lance Corporal Christopher Cable, U.S. Marine Corp., standing next to the fresh grave of his great-grandfather (my Uncle) Cal Steunenberg at the Springfield Veteran's Cemetery in Missouri. I am not sure where Christoper has been stationed.
Civil War
John Keppel, U.S. Army, Iowa Volunteers 5/4/1961, Company A, 2nd Infantry. Wounded in the right knee, 4/6/1862, at the Battle of Shiloh in TN. He survived long enough for Cornelia Keppel Steunenberg and Nancy Keppel Megchelsen to reach him. John died 5/8/1862 and is buried at Oakland Cemetery, Keokuk, Iowa.
Dirk Keppel enlisted in the Union Army and was killed at the Battle of Wilmington Island or Tybee Island, GA in 1863
Teunis Keppel, born 1/12/1836. Enlisted in the Union Army during the Civil War. Died in a hospital in Kalamazoo, Michigan in 1862.

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Private Lewis Simpson, Company K of the Eighty-ninth New York Volunteers.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Private Justus Simpson, Company G of 152nd NY Volunteers
Mexican American War

Bernardus Steunenberg | Samuel Colt Sells First Revolver to the US Military | Fold3 Spotlights
Bernardus. U.S. Army,11/15/1847, mustered into service 12/1847 as a private, Captain Wittenmyer's Company F of Colonel Troll's Regiment of Michigan volunteers. He contracted and almost died of smallpox. Returned home from Mexico in August 1848 at the closure of the war after rendering gallant and arduous service . Honorably discharged 7/28/1848.

Spanish American War
Major George E. Steunenberg, U.S. Navy and Army. George served in the Navy at the time the U.S. annexed Hawaii and the Army during Idaho's participation in the Spanish American war. You can search the blog for various other posts about the rather colorful Major.
Benjamin Van Wyngarden: More info needed.
Korean War/1950's
Others who served but I don't have much information. Will post more when I find it or if someone provides a photo and service information.
Albert E. Steunenberg: I am estimating that Al served during the 1950's.
William L. Crookam: Same for Bill, 1950's.

Ronald L. Longanecker - Alpha Company, 3rd Recon Battalion (wife Cindy's cousin)
Jim Carl Behlen Jr., U.S. Navy (my wife Cindy's brother), U.S.S Observation Island.
L to R: Cindy, Kevan, Jim Jr., Jim Sr., Mandy.
The 1970, 1971, 1972 Vietnam Draft Lotteries.
Private Timothy Underwood (my Nephew), U.S. Army.
Afghanistan War
Lance Corporal Christopher Cable, U.S. Marine Corp., standing next to the fresh grave of his great-grandfather (my Uncle) Cal Steunenberg at the Springfield Veteran's Cemetery in Missouri. I am not sure where Christoper has been stationed.
Veteran's Day....send your photographs
If you are receiving this post as an automatic email, no doubt it will look rather scrambled. Come to the blog for better viewing.
I have been on a bit of a hiatus the past month and better get something posted. Call it writers cramp, brain freeze, old age or any number of other afflictions. I suspect maybe PETS (Pre-Election Traumatic Syndrome), where one starts to avoid all forms of electronic media for fear of exposure to just one too many political ads or pundits. The pundits won't disappear but at least the ads are over for a few months until the mid-term elections roll around.
As you may know, my mom, Brenda Steunenberg Richards, passed away about two and a half years ago and my dad, John Richards Sr., about two months ago. As part of the process of cleaning out their home, I have been going through all their photo albums and sorting the many photographs for copying, scanning and distribution among my siblings. I had recently posted a couple of interesting discoveries that you may have already viewed.
This being Veteran's Day weekend, I am going to focus on military related photographs in honor of all those who have and/or continue to serve. I will be adding a few newly discovered photos, re-visit some others, and include links (see below) to previous blog posts. If you have a connection to the family and have other photos of those that have served, past and present, (any side of the family, not just Steunenberg), please send a scan and I will be happy to add to the online collection. Please include name, rank, military assignment and family town of residence. So check back from time to time as I will be adding additional photos to this post and/or as a new one in the future.
Monday, May 28, 2012
I have been on a bit of a hiatus the past month and better get something posted. Call it writers cramp, brain freeze, old age or any number of other afflictions. I suspect maybe PETS (Pre-Election Traumatic Syndrome), where one starts to avoid all forms of electronic media for fear of exposure to just one too many political ads or pundits. The pundits won't disappear but at least the ads are over for a few months until the mid-term elections roll around.
As you may know, my mom, Brenda Steunenberg Richards, passed away about two and a half years ago and my dad, John Richards Sr., about two months ago. As part of the process of cleaning out their home, I have been going through all their photo albums and sorting the many photographs for copying, scanning and distribution among my siblings. I had recently posted a couple of interesting discoveries that you may have already viewed.
This being Veteran's Day weekend, I am going to focus on military related photographs in honor of all those who have and/or continue to serve. I will be adding a few newly discovered photos, re-visit some others, and include links (see below) to previous blog posts. If you have a connection to the family and have other photos of those that have served, past and present, (any side of the family, not just Steunenberg), please send a scan and I will be happy to add to the online collection. Please include name, rank, military assignment and family town of residence. So check back from time to time as I will be adding additional photos to this post and/or as a new one in the future.
Above are my mothers three brothers, my Steunenberg Uncles, all of whom served circa WWII. From left to right above, Staff Sgt. Jule 'Juke, U.S Army Air Forces (became U.S. Air Force during his service), Corporal Frank 'Bud', U.S. Marine Corp.(finding some Uncle Bud military photographs was a new discovery), and Sgt. Carroll 'Cal', U.S. Army Signal Corp.
My dad, John Sr., attempted to join the U.S. Marines in 1943 when he was still 16. Like a lot of boys at that time, he lied about his age and I believe used his older brothers birth certificate to enlist. Some got away with it and no doubt the military did not scrutinize too closely as long as you appeared able to hold a rifle. Guess I have to give him credit for trying and he did make it through basic at Parris Island. Dad never spoke about it much but the Corp. either finally realized the mistake or he did something stupid (most of us did at 16) to get himself tossed out...not sure which.
That's my Uncle Cal in the top photos. I was elated to find one with him holding what appears to be an M1 carbine and the one on the top right working in the radio truck. In addition to the Signal Corp., he was a life long ham radio operator. The lower left shows Cal and Bud together (looks to be another M1 carbine in Uncle Bud's hands) and on the right is Bud. I have an M1 Garand and would like to add the carbine to the collection one of these days. I don't believe that is either of them up on the truck but one or the other probably took the picture. Most of these are in Oahu.
Here is a QSL card Cal sent to my mom in the 1940's.
Above is Cal August 1942 at Camp Stoneman in CA. Looks like he put the M1 carbine away in favor of the bit heavier fire power of a Browning M18 BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle) Light Machine Gun. Those of you more versed in weaponry feel free to set me straight or send your comments or stories.
My Uncle Bob Richards (my father's brother) was in the U.S. Navy, I believe as an Aviation Radio Man (A.R.M). I don't have much in the way of information or photos so more research is needed. What I do have are a couple photos from the Naval Air technical Training Center (NATTC).
Fred J. Mandella, CPO, U.S. Navy, CEO, USNR U.S.S Castor. Served during WWII and Korean Wars. My wife Cindy's grandfather.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Robert K. Steunenberg-WW II Veteran on LST 808 and Distinguished Scientist
A few names of others who served but I don't have much information. Will post more when I find it or if someone provides a photo and service information:
Ensign Bruce Van Wyngarden
HA (Hospital Apprentice) 2/c Willard Van Wyngarden
A few related blog posts below:
Monday, September 3, 2012
That's my Uncle Cal in the top photos. I was elated to find one with him holding what appears to be an M1 carbine and the one on the top right working in the radio truck. In addition to the Signal Corp., he was a life long ham radio operator. The lower left shows Cal and Bud together (looks to be another M1 carbine in Uncle Bud's hands) and on the right is Bud. I have an M1 Garand and would like to add the carbine to the collection one of these days. I don't believe that is either of them up on the truck but one or the other probably took the picture. Most of these are in Oahu.
Here is a QSL card Cal sent to my mom in the 1940's.
Above is Cal August 1942 at Camp Stoneman in CA. Looks like he put the M1 carbine away in favor of the bit heavier fire power of a Browning M18 BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle) Light Machine Gun. Those of you more versed in weaponry feel free to set me straight or send your comments or stories.
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Uncle Bob is second from your right. |
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A.R.M. R-8 SEC-D NATTC Memphis, 48. Bob is right square in the middle of the 2nd row. |
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Looks like most everyone signed it and left mailing addresses. Anyone you know? |
Monday, August 11, 2008
Robert K. Steunenberg-WW II Veteran on LST 808 and Distinguished Scientist
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LST 808 is sunk 5/19/1945 |
A few names of others who served but I don't have much information. Will post more when I find it or if someone provides a photo and service information:
Ensign Bruce Van Wyngarden
HA (Hospital Apprentice) 2/c Willard Van Wyngarden
A few related blog posts below:
Monday, September 3, 2012
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Saturday, June 6, 2009
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Sunday, October 14, 2012
Old Bruneau by George E. Steunenberg
The following comes from among some papers and letters of my mother's. Her mother, my grandmother, Frances Beardsley Wood Steunenberg, apparently transcribed this verse written by Major George Steunenberg after it had appeared in the Idaho Statesman. The transcription is not dated, but I am guessing the poem appeared at a later date in the Statesman, perhaps circa 1930's-40's, and grandma Frances copied it sometime during that period. Maybe the Statesman or someone else has a copy of the original article so we could pinpoint the publication date.
If George's reference to 46 years is his age at the time, that would date his having written the original approximately 1916.
There are additional notations from my grandmother Frances and my mother Brenda on the back (below) indicating my grandfather Julian always kept a copy of this poem—but I am not sure if the reference is to this transcribed version or perhaps a clipping of the one published in the Statesman. I do have another transcribed typed version put together by my Crookam kin at a later date (1994). There are some very slight grammatical and punctuation differences but both versions are essentially the same.
Old Bruneau by George E. Steunenberg
A picture of Bruneau Valley;
I hold it to gaze and gaze!
That winding river, those same old hills
That I knew in my younger days.
Just 46 years in the distance.
I've girdled the globe since then.
But I never forgot that darling old spot,
And I long to see it again!
Old Bruneau was simple and rustic;
And hardly a slave to the law,
With its chattering hoofs, and jovial men
Who swallowed their whiskey raw.
Oh I long for that old time freedom!
The smell of the sage in the air!
But I'll never go back to old Brueneau,
Because it just ain't there.
Yes, I know the maps all show it.
The highway is smooth and fast.
But never an engineer has built
A road back to the past.
You may follow the maps till doomsday,
But the places are new and strange.
And the Bruneau of forty-six years ago
Is ever beyond the range!
I know there's a gasoline station
Replacing the hitching rail.
There's a dirty garage that stinks of grease
Beside that winding trail.
And instead of the campfire chorus,
And the songs that we used to know,
Some Hollywood crooner is whining away
On a hell-born radio.
Yes, I know it's the march of progress.
I now that is has to be.
But Bruneau Valley and auto gas -
They just don't sit right with me.
So I will cling to my old time picture -
I may be old-fashioned and slow-
But I'd rather remember old Bruneau
As it was in the long ago.
Editorial note: The Statesman (Idaho) is indebted to Major Steunenberg for this delightful bit of verse, to which many pioneers of the district will say "Amen."
If George's reference to 46 years is his age at the time, that would date his having written the original approximately 1916.
There are additional notations from my grandmother Frances and my mother Brenda on the back (below) indicating my grandfather Julian always kept a copy of this poem—but I am not sure if the reference is to this transcribed version or perhaps a clipping of the one published in the Statesman. I do have another transcribed typed version put together by my Crookam kin at a later date (1994). There are some very slight grammatical and punctuation differences but both versions are essentially the same.
Old Bruneau by George E. Steunenberg
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Courtesy of DB's Travel |
I hold it to gaze and gaze!
That winding river, those same old hills
That I knew in my younger days.
Just 46 years in the distance.
I've girdled the globe since then.
But I never forgot that darling old spot,
And I long to see it again!
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Bruneau Past |
And hardly a slave to the law,
With its chattering hoofs, and jovial men
Who swallowed their whiskey raw.
Oh I long for that old time freedom!
The smell of the sage in the air!
But I'll never go back to old Brueneau,
Because it just ain't there.
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The highway is smooth and fast.
But never an engineer has built
A road back to the past.
You may follow the maps till doomsday,
But the places are new and strange.
And the Bruneau of forty-six years ago
Is ever beyond the range!
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Bruneau Past |
I know there's a gasoline station
Replacing the hitching rail.
There's a dirty garage that stinks of grease
Beside that winding trail.
And instead of the campfire chorus,
And the songs that we used to know,
Some Hollywood crooner is whining away
On a hell-born radio.
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Bruneau Past |
I now that is has to be.
But Bruneau Valley and auto gas -
They just don't sit right with me.
So I will cling to my old time picture -
I may be old-fashioned and slow-
But I'd rather remember old Bruneau
As it was in the long ago.
Editorial note: The Statesman (Idaho) is indebted to Major Steunenberg for this delightful bit of verse, to which many pioneers of the district will say "Amen."
Monday, October 8, 2012
KTTV 11 TV Icon 'Sheriff John' Dies on Saturday at 93
I lost an old friend in Boise this past weekend. Never met him but we "talked" nonetheless just about everyday when I was a young preschooler growing up in the 1950's. He was a part of my history. Not sure how many Boiseans realized the treasure they had living out his later years within their midst.
Idaho Statesman
KTTV Los Angeles
"Sheriff' John dies at 93; popular L.A. children's TV host
Remembering Sheriff John
"Sheriff John" (Rovick) Birthday Tribute
While growing up in in Southern California, Sheriff John was a regular stop on my childhood TV itinerary. Of course we had the same name, so that was cool, and what kid wouldn't want to be a sheriff and have a badge. To top it off, it didn't get any better then the birthday club, especially on the day Sheriff John would read your name live on the air and wish you a happy birthday. I remember the day it finally happened, as for some reason mom had to make sure I was tuned in on the old black and white TV and paying attention to the show. On that day, I watched and heard Sheriff John say my name before the daily singing of: Put Another Candle on my Birthday Cake.
Yes, Sheriff John was kind of corny, as were a lot of kid shows in those days. We were innocent (this sheriff had no guns and never shot nobody), taught us manners, no cuss words, how to treat people with kindness and respect and to celebrate our family and friends. Seems we could use a little more "corny" back in our lives and on our big screen 3D HDTV's of today.
Rest in Peace Sheriff.
"Laugh and be Happy" everybody.
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John Rovick donned a sheriff's hat, khaki uniform and badge to become Sheriff John on KTTV's daily "Cartoon Time" show. (Rothschild Photo/KTTV) |
Idaho Statesman
KTTV Los Angeles
"Sheriff' John dies at 93; popular L.A. children's TV host
Remembering Sheriff John
"Sheriff John" (Rovick) Birthday Tribute
While growing up in in Southern California, Sheriff John was a regular stop on my childhood TV itinerary. Of course we had the same name, so that was cool, and what kid wouldn't want to be a sheriff and have a badge. To top it off, it didn't get any better then the birthday club, especially on the day Sheriff John would read your name live on the air and wish you a happy birthday. I remember the day it finally happened, as for some reason mom had to make sure I was tuned in on the old black and white TV and paying attention to the show. On that day, I watched and heard Sheriff John say my name before the daily singing of: Put Another Candle on my Birthday Cake.
Yes, Sheriff John was kind of corny, as were a lot of kid shows in those days. We were innocent (this sheriff had no guns and never shot nobody), taught us manners, no cuss words, how to treat people with kindness and respect and to celebrate our family and friends. Seems we could use a little more "corny" back in our lives and on our big screen 3D HDTV's of today.
Rest in Peace Sheriff.
"Laugh and be Happy" everybody.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Golden Arches
Nothing new here but just happened to run across these two photos next to each other in an album from my parents house. A couple of famous and very similar Idaho sandstone arches. Unfortunately, the Idaho pen arch is gone. A lot of folks, and certainly most all the players in our Steunenberg assassination and Haywood trial saga, past under and through both of these entryways at one time or another.
Idaho State Pen circa 1940's.
And from elsewhere on the bog, the Steunenberg block in Caldwell with it's many mostly brick arches.
In terms of my personal arch related history, I was known to walk quite frequently through arches just like these when I lived in Thousand Oaks (aka T.O.), CA circa 1960's. Outside service only with no place to go inside and sit like you could do at the Idan-Ha or the pen. The original arches in T.O. are now gone as are the 20¢ burgers (25¢'s usually, as I always wanted cheese) and an extra 15¢ for fries and 10¢ for a coke.
Thursday, July 9, 20
THE GATE ON WARM SPRINGS ROAD (Idaho Penitentiary, Boise, Idaho)
Not a sandstone archway but the other famous gate in our story: Friday, January 30, 2009
"The Gate on 16th Avenue" - A Century Ago and Today
Boise Sandstone (ISHS Reference Series)
List of Quarries in Idaho & Quarry Links, Photographs and Articles
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IDAN-HA Hotel circa 1940's. The car on the left in front of the hotel says "Idan-Ha Cab" on the door. |
And from elsewhere on the bog, the Steunenberg block in Caldwell with it's many mostly brick arches.
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An original McD's still in Downey, CA |
Thursday, July 9, 20
THE GATE ON WARM SPRINGS ROAD (Idaho Penitentiary, Boise, Idaho)
Not a sandstone archway but the other famous gate in our story: Friday, January 30, 2009
"The Gate on 16th Avenue" - A Century Ago and Today
Boise Sandstone (ISHS Reference Series)
List of Quarries in Idaho & Quarry Links, Photographs and Articles
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